SexSense is a network working to advance Comprehensive Sexuality Education with young people and adults.
We aim to provide opportunities for collaboration in research, training, advocacy and project design to create quality initiatives through EU cooperation and funding.
Sexuality Matters: Learn, Respect, Enjoy.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
"Comprehensive Sexuality Education - or the many other ways this may be referred to - is a process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. It aims to equip people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that empowers them to realize their health, well-being and dignity; develop respectful social and sexual relationships; consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others; and understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives. CSE presents sexuality with a positive approach, emphasizing values such as respect, inclusion, non-discrimination, equality, empathy, responsibility and reciprocity. It reinforces healthy and positive values about bodies, puberty, relationships, sex and family life."
Adapted from UNESCO (2023)
Fields of expertise

Promotion of gender equality and gender equity

Prevention of gender-based violence

Awareness raising on reproductive health and rights

Promotion of sexual and psychological well being

Promotion of healthy relationships

Promotion of EU funding opportunities

Project planning and management
Our approach




Sex Positive
SexSense alignes with a feminist view which recognises the root causes of violence against all genders in patriarchal and heteronormative structures and aims to deconstruct gender norms. In this regard, it supports the rights of all gender identities understood as non-binary and including that of transgender subjectivities. Specifically, SexSense supports the right to express a gender identity that does not correspond to one’s sex assigned at birth.
SexSense uses a non-binary approach meaning it goes beyond the gender binary man-woman to categorize gender identities. Having a non-binary approach in CSE initiatives means we are aware some people have a gender that blends elements of being a man or a woman, or a gender that is different than either male or female or that they don't identify with any gender or that it may change over time; it means we don’t assume the name or pronoun a person wishes to be addressed to; we build policies, interventions and data collection by challenging binary gender spaces and approaches.
Intersectionality considers the complexity of identity as a process, ever-changing and nonhierarchical and on simultaneous forms of oppression suffered by people in inseparable terms of race, gender, sexuality and class, among others. SexSense understands that without an intersectional approach, the risk is perpetrating epistemological violence by imposing one-sided values.
The content, methodologies and approaches to Comprehensive Sex Education promoted by SexSense combine research with experiences and expertise to best meet the needs of the audience, and takes into account changes in culture, data and feedback received from the users.
SexSense promotes initiatives which take the views and interaction between different generations into account confident of the added value age-appropriate and age-diversity can bring into quality CSE. In other words, SexSense encourages dialogue and the creation of bridges between generations, breaking taboos in a safe and positive way.
It involves an approach to health and care interventions which is grounded in the understanding that trauma exposure can impact an individual’s neurological, biological, psychological and social development.
SexSense promotes inclusiveness, gender-sensitivity, tolerance, dignity and personal empowerment of all children. A child-friendly approach means the best interest of the child is always put at the center of any intervention, that environments must be safe, healthy and protective and last, but not least, that children's voices are heard.
Sex Positive
Sex positive refers to having a positive attitude about sex, accepting and respecting your sexuality and the sexuality, sexual preferences and consensual sexual practices of others without judgment, shame, violence, or discrimination, and treating sex as a normal, healthy part of life, rather than a taboo topic or something to be ashamed of.
Working groups
Communication & Advocacy
With the aim to develop and implement a comprehensive communication strategy, including awareness raising initiatives to support SexSense in reaching its membership and advocacy objectives.
With the aim to identify, analyse and understand trends, practices and experiences relevant for the development of tools, working methods, guidelines and manuals.
Capacity Building
With the aim to support, empower and build knowledge and the capacity of different actors, including young people and/or adults.
Project Design & Fundraising
With the aim to coordinate proposal development and partnership strategy for fundraising.

Why join SexSense?
You will become part of a leading and influential network at the EU level in Comprehensive Sexuality Education being able to:
Contribute to the research efforts in Comprehensive Sexuality Education, promote resources and share best practices with other practitioners, trainers, researchers, and experts.
Influence the way Comprehensive Sexuality Education is developing and advocate for its relevance.
Connect with a powerful group of organisations strengthening (your own and different actors') capacities in the field.
If you are willing to become part of an international forum on sexuality education and develop new impactful projects, make your membership request!
SexSense network will become more effective and influential as it grows, so...