Our Members “die Berater” Gemeinnützige GmbHAnimus Association FoundationAPROXIMAR Cooperativa de Solidariedade SocialAsociatia Lectura si Scrierea pentru Dezvoltarea Gandirii Critice RomaniaAssociation PADILAthensLifelong Learning InstituteAustrian Network of Programmes for Education, Diversity and Innovation (ANPEDI)Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de CoimbraCentro Internazionale delle Culture UBUNTU ETSCentro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”Comitato provinciale Arcigay Palermo APSCSI – Center for Social InnovationCulture ReframedDutch Foundation of Innovation Welfare 2 workElan InterculturelFacoltà di Studi Classici, Linguistici e della Formazione, Università “Kore” di Enna (IT)Femmes Entraide & Autonomie – FEAFundació Blanquerna, Universitat Ramón LlullFundación KiriraFundația Baylor Marea NeagrăGALE, The Global Alliance for LGBT Educationgendervorming.be (genderformation)GRDR Migration-Citizenship-DevelopmentGSSG – Gemeinnützige Stiftung Sexualität und GesundheitHILFE-FÜR-JUNGS e.V. (help for boys)Hope For Children CRC Policy CenterHouse of Diversity EducationInstitute for Family and Sexuality Studies – KU LeuvenInstitute of Entrepreneurship DevelopmentJaunuolių dienos centrasKEA IM SYROUKideOn Research Group – University of the Basque CountryKMOP Education and Innovation HubKnow and Can AssociationKnowbodyLa FougueLa XixaLODelleMedevity CareMinds EuropeNEXUS HUB – Centre for innovation and educationPISTES SOLIDAIRESProseduc – Professional Sexual EducationReadLab – RESEARCH INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT LAB PRIVATE COMPANYReadLab BrusselsRibologijaRight to Childhood Foundation (RCF)School of Sexuality EducationScience and research centre KoperSensoaSex & SamfundSocial Enterprises S.L.Stop Data PornStorytellme unipessoal ldaSurt. Fundació Privada. Fundació de DonesSX Tech eu GMBHSymplexisT-HAP LTDTAMPEP – European Network for the Promotion of Rights and Health among Migrant Sex WorkersThe Smile of the Child – Hamogelotrixiewiz e.V.Universitat Autónoma de BarcelonaUniversity Colleges Leuven-Limburg (UCLL)University of MaltaVives University of Applied scienceWestern Balkans InstituteYouth Coordinating Agency in Development (YOCADE)Youthwork – Berliner Aids-Hilfe e.V.PersonsRomina Gatt Lopez